Welcome to St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral

A House of Prayer for All People Since 1858

Sundays at 10:30am: Holy Eucharist, Rite II in the historic Nave

Wednesdays at 12:15pm, Holy Eucharist Rite II

Saturdays at 9am: Morning Prayer in the Sisters Chapel

Worshiping at the Cathedral

St. Mary’s is an inclusive, vibrant space, and we invite all to come as you fully are. You can expect to be received with love, as Christ loved us. We believe that our diversity is our strength, which is why all will find a seat at our table and any friend will be welcomed with joy.

Every person can serve and be served in our house—a house of prayer for ALL people.

We invite you to view the video below to learn a bit about our parish family and to explore our website to learn more about our worship, mission, and ministries. We hope you will be inspired to join us. We’d love to meet you!

Weekly Worship

Weekly Worship

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Youth & Children Programming

Children & Youth

Music Ministries

Need Pastoral Care?
To request an appointment or a home visit with a clergy member, please call the Cathedral Office at 901-527-3361 or email jlaporta@stmarysmemphis.org

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