A Letter from Dean Gary

A few words on our Cathedral finances from your Interim Dean

May 4, 2023 

Dear Cathedral Family,

Thank you for your support for the work and ministries of St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral. Your contributions of time, talent, and treasure are vital to our continuing efforts to build and become the Kingdom of God both for ourselves and for our neighbors.

Since becoming your Interim Dean just over three months ago I have been delighted and inspired by the energy of this incredible faith community as we have undertaken a number of projects and initiatives. These include the ongoing renovation of our nave; the organ preservation work; evaluation and prioritization of other physical plant needs; a renewed Saturday morning ministry to our neighbors; planning for events of September 8-10 to rededicate our worship space and to celebrate Martyrs Weekend; and so much more.

All of this is possible only because of your prayerful and considerable support. Thank you!

Yet for all the optimism we’re sharing, there is at least one dark cloud on our horizon: our budget is not currently sustainable. In fact, at the Annual Meeting the Cathedral approved a budget with a deficit of nearly $57,000 — or just over 10% of our expected expenses in 2023. As approved, we contemplate paying for less than two-thirds of our expenses with money received from plate and pledge income. About one quarter of our budget will be met with draws from investments, trusts, and other miscellaneous income.

Meanwhile, we have considerable other needs beyond funding the regular operations of our beloved Cathedral. We are funding a $60,000 organ preservation project. We need to replace the roof, the flooring, and the HVAC unit in Martyrs Hall. And there are other capital needs to address as well in other areas of our campus.

I invite you to prayerfully consider either a special gift or making a pledge to support St. Mary’s. If you are already pledging, perhaps now is the time you are called to increase your level of support. Donations may be made by check or online (look for the “DONATE” button on the bottom of our website, www.stmarysmemphis.org).

And again, thank you for supporting and sharing in the ministries of St. Mary’s Cathedral. May God bless you today and always!

Yours in Christ’s love, 

The Rev. Gary Meade,
Interim Dean

Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

— Matthew 6:19–21


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