Service Schedule & Sermons

The Second Sunday after Epiphany, January 19

The Rev. Dr. Noah Campbell, Celebrant/Homilist

Join us for worship at the historic St. Mary’s Cathedral. The Sunday service is also live-streamed on the St. Mary’s YouTube channel.

Sundays at 10:30am
Holy Eucharist Rite II

Wednesdays at 12:15pm
Holy Eucharist Rite II

Saturdays at 9am
Morning Prayer in the Sisters Chapel

The Service bulletin for the Jan. 26 Sunday Service may be downloaded here.

To Watch a live-stream of Sunday’s Service, click here.

Saturdays at 9:00 am

Morning Prayer

You are welcome for a brief service of Morning Prayer in the Sisters Chapel as part our weekly Hope & Food ministry. Following worship, please join our neighbors for a time of fellowship as we share a brown-bag breakfast and freshly-brewed coffee. To learn more, to donate, or to volunteer, please contact Melissa Bridgman.

Would you like to contribute? Click here for a printable shopping list of foods needed for this pop-top ministry. Thank you!


Using Your Book of Common Prayer

Daily Office 101

We have a treasure in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP)! With the BCP each of us can continue our worship and join other Episcopalians around the country and Anglicans around the world by praying the Daily Office.

The Daily Office is an ancient practice that utilizes daily prayers to mark the times of the day. For Episcopalians/Anglicans, this generally comes in the form of the two main offices of Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, although there are also prayer offices to mark noonday and one to make the close of the day, which is known as Compline. The BCP also has a shortened version of the offices to mark the hours known as “Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families.” These short prayer services are for Morning, Noon, the Early Evening, and the Close of the Day.

There are multiples places to access the Daily Office, including both online as well as the actual Book of Common Prayer. Click here for more information.